Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Part of the world, located in the northern hemisphere, on the border between Eastern and Western Hemispheres, acting together with the Asia continent Eurasia.

                                        Cities in Europe

  • B e r l i n  - the capital, the seat of government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The largest city of the Federal Republic of Germany, the laws of the Land. Covering an area of ​​890 km ², it is inhabited by nearly 3.5 million people. It is the largest after London and Paris, a city in the European Union.Berlin is divided into twelve districts. By the urban space such as flow River Spree and Havel, and also has many lakes and bays.

  •  W a r s a w  - the capital and largest Polish city, located in the central-eastern part of the country, on the Plain Środkowomazowieckiej, in Mazowsze, on the Vistula River. Since 2002, the city of Warsaw is having the status of municipality of cities and towns.Warsaw is the scientific, cultural, political and economic center in Europe. Fall in the Houses of Parliament, the President, Prime Minister and other central authoritie.

  • L o n d o n  - a city in the southeastern part of the United Kingdom, the capital of the country, as well as the capital of England.
    Located on the River Thames, is the largest city in Europe after Moscow and Istanbul and more from Paris, is the largest city in the European Union and one of the largest cities in the world, both in the scale of the city and agglomeration. Population of London is around 8.2 million (2011) in the 1 607 km ² and all the London metropolitan area, including all adjacent cities has about 20 million inhabitants. About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.

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