Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Part of the world, along with Europe, forming Eurasia, the largest continent on Earth. The historical and cultural reasons, she is sometimes also called the Asia continent.
Adjacent to the west of Europe, Africa, the south-west Indian Ocean and Australia to the south east and the Pacific Ocean to the east. The exact course of the western boundary of geographical password is shown in the Europe-Asia border.


                                                   Cities in Asia

  •  B e i j i n g  - the capital of China and one of the four cities separated, placed under the direct authority of the country. From the north, west and south borders the province of Hebei, and to the east of the city of Tianjin separated.Beijing is second only to Shanghai, a city of China in terms of population. Township had a population of 31 December 2009 19 618 368 people, of which the city itself about 8 million.

  •  M o s c o w  - capital of Russia. Located in the western part of the country, on the Moskva River. One of the greatest cities in the world - 8570 thousand. Population (1994), Town of 9003 thousand. Population (1991). biggest cultural center - a scientific, yet the political and economic center of Russia. For many attractions belong Moscow: Kremlin, Red Square, with St. Basil's Cathedral, "White House", Ostankino tower, Arbat - a place of artists and painters, as well as galleries, museums, palaces cathedrals, churches and monasteries. Moscow is a vibrant city of contrasts, where history is intertwined with modernity and civilization of the West with the remnants of an earlier era.

  •  N e w   D e l h i  - a city which is the present capital of India. It is located in Delhi - an administrative entity which has the status of national capital territory. New Delhi, although administratively a separate town, there is a separate municipal entity, but connects to the neighboring districts of Delhi, acting as if another district of the city.

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