Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The second largest continent on Earth. It has 30.37 million square kilometers, or more than 20.3% of the total land area of the globe. It passes through the meridian 0 °, both the tropics and równik.Afryka is the poorest continent, affected many plagues - such as malaria and AIDS - and a place where the majority of the population suffers from malnutrition or even starvation. In several countries in Africa are still ongoing civil wars and armed conflicts of various kinds. Most dangerous flashpoints remain Dar Fur, Sudan, South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia, Zimbabwe, northern part of Nigeria, Libya.

                                                  Cities in Africa

  • Cairo - the capital and largest city of Egypt (214 km ², the population of 6 787 000 permanent residents, Town of 17.285 million people (so-called Greater Cairo) - the largest city in Africa and the Middle East). There are no accurate statistics on the population of Cairo. There is constant wandering residents. It is estimated that every day comes a thousand new residents. Over 2 million people live in the so-called. "City of the dead." Cairo is known as the "City of a thousand minarets" or "Mother of the World." It is the largest center of the Islamic world. It is located on the Nile.

  • K h a r t o u m  - Sudan's capital, located in the place where the waters join the White Nile and the Blue. The main center of political, commercial and cultural center of the country, an important transportation hub. The University was founded in 1903. Population: 2,203.9 thousand. Population (2008) - the second largest city in the country. Along with the neighboring cities of Omdurman and Khartoum North creates a municipality with a population of about 4.8 million inhabitants.

  • N a i r o b i  - a city and province in Africa, the capital of Kenya, located in the center of the country at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level Aberdare foothills and sources of Athi River. One of the largest cities in Africa and Eastern Europe. The main industries are food processing, textiles, chemicals, wood and paper. An important road junction, is a rail link from Mombasa and Kampala in Uganda.
    Founded in 1899 by the British in Maasai land during the construction of the railway line from Uganda to Mombasa. In 1905, it became the capital of British East Africa Protectorate, and in 1963 an independent Kenya. It is located several universities, including Strathmore University.

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