Wednesday, May 8, 2013


Six largest continent, its surface (including Tasmania and other coastal islands) is 7.7 million square kilometers (7.5 million square kilometers without islands) Origin of name: Australia refers to the continent comes from the term Terra Australis Incognita, which Europeans used until the mid-eighteenth century, is a Latin term and means: terra - earth australis - Southern, incognita - unknown.

                                      Cities in Australia

  • S y d n e y  - Australia's biggest city, the state capital of New South Wales. Founded in 1788 Sydney is now Australia's leading financial center, commercial, transport and cultural center, a popular tourist center and the seat of the Archbishop of the Roman Catholic Church and the Anglican.

  • M e l b o u r n e  - the capital and largest city of the state of Victoria, and the second largest city in Australia, a population of 4 million people in the metropolitan area of ​​Melbourne (2009). In 1901-1927 the capital of Australia. Twice recognized by The Economist magazine's best city to live in the world (2002, 2004). Melbourne has the largest number of foreign students from such cities as London, New York and Paris. It is the largest concentration of expatriate Australia (16 439 people), because Poland has his own honorary consulate.

  • A d e l a i d e  - a city in Australia and the state capital of South Australia, situated along the River Torrens, at the mouth of the Gulf of St. Vincent, north of the Fleurieu Peninsula, east of Adelaide lies the mountain of Mt Lofty Ranges. The fifth largest city in Australia.


The second largest continent on Earth. It has 30.37 million square kilometers, or more than 20.3% of the total land area of the globe. It passes through the meridian 0 °, both the tropics and równik.Afryka is the poorest continent, affected many plagues - such as malaria and AIDS - and a place where the majority of the population suffers from malnutrition or even starvation. In several countries in Africa are still ongoing civil wars and armed conflicts of various kinds. Most dangerous flashpoints remain Dar Fur, Sudan, South Sudan, eastern Democratic Republic of Congo, Chad, Côte d'Ivoire, Somalia, Zimbabwe, northern part of Nigeria, Libya.

                                                  Cities in Africa

  • Cairo - the capital and largest city of Egypt (214 km ², the population of 6 787 000 permanent residents, Town of 17.285 million people (so-called Greater Cairo) - the largest city in Africa and the Middle East). There are no accurate statistics on the population of Cairo. There is constant wandering residents. It is estimated that every day comes a thousand new residents. Over 2 million people live in the so-called. "City of the dead." Cairo is known as the "City of a thousand minarets" or "Mother of the World." It is the largest center of the Islamic world. It is located on the Nile.

  • K h a r t o u m  - Sudan's capital, located in the place where the waters join the White Nile and the Blue. The main center of political, commercial and cultural center of the country, an important transportation hub. The University was founded in 1903. Population: 2,203.9 thousand. Population (2008) - the second largest city in the country. Along with the neighboring cities of Omdurman and Khartoum North creates a municipality with a population of about 4.8 million inhabitants.

  • N a i r o b i  - a city and province in Africa, the capital of Kenya, located in the center of the country at an altitude of 1700 m above sea level Aberdare foothills and sources of Athi River. One of the largest cities in Africa and Eastern Europe. The main industries are food processing, textiles, chemicals, wood and paper. An important road junction, is a rail link from Mombasa and Kampala in Uganda.
    Founded in 1899 by the British in Maasai land during the construction of the railway line from Uganda to Mombasa. In 1905, it became the capital of British East Africa Protectorate, and in 1963 an independent Kenya. It is located several universities, including Strathmore University.


Continent of approximately 14.0 million square kilometers, located on the southern hemisphere, almost entirely in a polar clime. Most of the continent is covered with a polar ice cap, he is virtually uninhabited by people, not including personnel 37 research stations. Antarctica is the only continent in which there is no state. Status of Antarctica is governed by the Antarctic Treaty, which froze territorial claims.

 Antarctica lies are extremely cold and windy glacial climate, will include very sparse vegetation and fauna present in principle only on the coasts and islands. Beneath the surface of Antarctica are unexploited deposits of valuable minerals (coal, iron ore, copper, gold, silver and lead). However, under the Antarctic Treaty of mining is not allowed.

South America

Continent lies in the Western Hemisphere, and for the most part in the southern hemisphere, and less - in the northern hemisphere. Sometimes, it is also considered to be sub-continent of America.
South America wraps Atlantic Ocean to the east and the west by the Pacific Ocean. From the north, via the Isthmus of Panama and the Caribbean Sea, bordered continent of North America. It occupies an area of 12 countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Ecuador, Guyana, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, Venezuela, and two dependent territories: French Guiana belonging to France and British Falklands.

                                            Cities in South America

  • S a o   P a u l o - the largest city of Brazil and South America is located in the south-eastern part of the country on the river Tietê, near the Atlantic coast. The capital of the state of São Paulo. It is located 400 km from Rio de Janeiro, and 1030 km from the capital, Brasilia.
    Population: 11 million (2006). The metropolitan area has about 21 million, it is one of the largest conurbations in the world. The city's population is called paulistanos.
    In São Paulo there are currently more than 182 high schools recognized by the MEC (Ministry of Education). Poland has there its consulate-general.

  • R i o   d e   J a n e i r o  - a city in the south-eastern part of Brazil on the Atlantic. Located on the edge of the highlands, hills, including known "Sugar Loaf" - Pão de Açúcar, Guanabara Bay. The capital of the state of Rio de Janeiro. From 1808 to 1821 years de facto capital of Portugal - the royal family of the head of John VI took refuge here from the invasion of Napoleon's army. In the years 1822-1960 Rio de Janeiro was the capital of an independent Brazil, Brasilia was before. The city is famous for its beautiful beaches, a giant statue of Christ the Redeemer on Corcovado Mountain, but also celebrated the annual carnival.

  • B u e n o s    A i r e s  - Argentina's capital, the largest city in the country and one of the largest in South America.

North America

Continent an area of ​​24 242 000 km ² (representing 16.3% of the total land area on Earth), located on the hemispheres: north and west. To North America to Central America.

                                         Cities in North America

  • N e w   Y o r k   C i t y  - the most populous city in the United States, and also the center of one of the most populous agglomeration in the world. New York exerts a significant impact on global business, finance, media, art, fashion, research, technology, education, and entertainment. Being among other things established the United Nations, an important center for international affairs and is widely regarded as the cultural capital of the world.
    Located on the Atlantic coast in the north-eastern United States, New York City consists of five districts, known as boroughs: Bronx, Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens and Staten Island.

  • L a s   V e g a s  - the most populous city in the U.S. state of Nevada, Clark County. In the international arena is mainly associated with gambling, shopping and sophisticated restaurants. Las Vegas, which itself calls the Entertainment Capital of the World, is famous for its huge casino and related activities. The tolerance for various forms of entertainment for adults attributed the Las Vegas title of Sin City.

  • C h i c a g o  - a city in the U.S., located on Lake Michigan in Illinois.
    Chicago is the third largest and populated city in the United States after New York and Los Angeles.
    It is a major center of business, cultural and scientific Midwestern United States. The closest and largest city suburbs of Chicago are Niles, Elmhurst, Melrose Park, Franklin Park, Cicero, Joliet, Addison, Evanston, Schaumburg, Wood Dale.
    Chicago is sometimes referred to as "The Windy City".


Part of the world, along with Europe, forming Eurasia, the largest continent on Earth. The historical and cultural reasons, she is sometimes also called the Asia continent.
Adjacent to the west of Europe, Africa, the south-west Indian Ocean and Australia to the south east and the Pacific Ocean to the east. The exact course of the western boundary of geographical password is shown in the Europe-Asia border.


                                                   Cities in Asia

  •  B e i j i n g  - the capital of China and one of the four cities separated, placed under the direct authority of the country. From the north, west and south borders the province of Hebei, and to the east of the city of Tianjin separated.Beijing is second only to Shanghai, a city of China in terms of population. Township had a population of 31 December 2009 19 618 368 people, of which the city itself about 8 million.

  •  M o s c o w  - capital of Russia. Located in the western part of the country, on the Moskva River. One of the greatest cities in the world - 8570 thousand. Population (1994), Town of 9003 thousand. Population (1991). biggest cultural center - a scientific, yet the political and economic center of Russia. For many attractions belong Moscow: Kremlin, Red Square, with St. Basil's Cathedral, "White House", Ostankino tower, Arbat - a place of artists and painters, as well as galleries, museums, palaces cathedrals, churches and monasteries. Moscow is a vibrant city of contrasts, where history is intertwined with modernity and civilization of the West with the remnants of an earlier era.

  •  N e w   D e l h i  - a city which is the present capital of India. It is located in Delhi - an administrative entity which has the status of national capital territory. New Delhi, although administratively a separate town, there is a separate municipal entity, but connects to the neighboring districts of Delhi, acting as if another district of the city.


Part of the world, located in the northern hemisphere, on the border between Eastern and Western Hemispheres, acting together with the Asia continent Eurasia.

                                        Cities in Europe

  • B e r l i n  - the capital, the seat of government of the Federal Republic of Germany. The largest city of the Federal Republic of Germany, the laws of the Land. Covering an area of ​​890 km ², it is inhabited by nearly 3.5 million people. It is the largest after London and Paris, a city in the European Union.Berlin is divided into twelve districts. By the urban space such as flow River Spree and Havel, and also has many lakes and bays.

  •  W a r s a w  - the capital and largest Polish city, located in the central-eastern part of the country, on the Plain Środkowomazowieckiej, in Mazowsze, on the Vistula River. Since 2002, the city of Warsaw is having the status of municipality of cities and towns.Warsaw is the scientific, cultural, political and economic center in Europe. Fall in the Houses of Parliament, the President, Prime Minister and other central authoritie.

  • L o n d o n  - a city in the southeastern part of the United Kingdom, the capital of the country, as well as the capital of England.
    Located on the River Thames, is the largest city in Europe after Moscow and Istanbul and more from Paris, is the largest city in the European Union and one of the largest cities in the world, both in the scale of the city and agglomeration. Population of London is around 8.2 million (2011) in the 1 607 km ² and all the London metropolitan area, including all adjacent cities has about 20 million inhabitants. About 20% of the population comes from Asia, Africa and the Caribbean.