Thursday, June 13, 2013

States in North America

                                                    S t a t e s    i n     N o r t h   A m e r i c a 

  •  United States, United States of America - the federal state in North America, bordering with Canada to the north, Mexico to the south, the Pacific Ocean to the west, the Arctic Ocean to the north west and the Atlantic Ocean to the east.The third in terms of population and the fourth in terms of territory. It includes also Deiss recommends island in the Pacific and the Atlantic
  • Canada - a country located in North America, extending from the Atlantic Ocean in the east to the Pacific Ocean in the west and the Arctic Ocean to the north. In the south and northwest borders with the United States maritime borders with Denmark in the north and east of France. The second country in the world in terms of area and 38 in terms of population. Canada is a member of the UN, NAFTA, the Commonwealth, La Francophonie, NATO, the G8, APEC.

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